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Ammunition, Demystified: The (non) Bubba's Guide to How Ammo Really Works

Ammunition, Demystified: The (non) Bubba's Guide to How Ammo Really Works

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Ammunition Demystified is Hatchers Notebook for the twenty-first century. Its a "soft" technical document intended for small caliber ammunition design and production engineers as well as more advanced shooters and reloaders who want a more in-depth understanding of how guns and ammunition work and interact with one another. There is very little that is truly simple about small arms ammunition due to the enormous stresses to which the bullet and cartridge case structures are subjected during the firing process and the nonlinear material properties of these ammunition components. Ammunition Demystified untangles these interactions and will help put you on the path of increased understanding of a simple yet complex topic. This book encapsulates the technical knowledge acquired on bullets cartridge cases barrels and ammunition testing over a career spanning four decades. It is a useful reference for shooters reloaders and "ammo guys" to assist them when they troubleshoot the mechanical and dispersion performance of their firearms and ammunition. Ammunition Demystified topics covered are cartridge cases and case-chamber interaction propellants and interior ballistics projectile design aerodynamics and stability trajectory dispersion accuracy barrel: manufacture fatigue life ammunition: pressure and velocity testing and load development

Product Details

ISBN10: 1662433328

ISBN13: 9781662433320

Author: Siewert, Jeff

Binding: Paperback

Published Date: March 07, 2022

Package Weight: 807.00g

Package Dimension: 229 x 31 x 152cm

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