Natasha Allegris smash hit YouTube animated series comes to comic books! A quirky new take on the magical girl genre with Bee the forever unemployed main character who cant seem to figure out life and the mysterious PuppyCat a stray...whatever it isthat she stumbled across who has a powerful secret. You might already love it if youre one of the thousands who supported the Kickstarter campaign but for those of you just joining us if you like stories that feature magical girls like SAILOR MOON MADOKA MAGICA and POWERPUFF GIRLS you will enjoy BEE AND PUPPYCAT! Its a slice-of-life story with a twist and it has so much comedy and enchantment you cant help but be swept up. Natasha Allegri is simply amazing. She built up a big fan-following on Tumblr while working on the Adventure Time cartoon then created gender-swapped characters (FIONNA AND CAKE) that became so popular they put them into the show. Then she created BEE AND PUPPYCAT and it became the most funded web series project in Kickstarter history. How could we NOT publish it?