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Introduction to the Meeting, Events, Expositions and Conventions Industry

Introduction to the Meeting, Events, Expositions and Conventions Industry

Regular price $97.06 USD
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The meetings expositions events and conventions (MEEC) industry continues to grow and garner increasing attention from the hospitality industry colleges and universities and communities. Meetings Expositions Events and Conventions: An Introduction to the Industry provides a broad overview of this thriving and expanding industry. This publication serves as the basis for college courses orientation sessions for new employees or anyone looking to gain knowledge on the MEEC industry. It is comprehensive covering a wider range of MEEC topics than other books on the market. With information on Venues Exhibitions Food and Beverage Legal Issues Sustainability and more it is an excellent resource for students educators and practitioners alike. NEW TO THE SIXTH EDITION: The inclusion of COVID-19 impacts on all sectors of the MEEC industry Comprehensive updates of all data A plethora of new images cutting-edge updates on technology in the MEEC industry A wider more global focus on the international aspects of MEEC Newly updated teaching materials including a new test bank and PowerPoints

Product Details

ISBN10: 1792457782

ISBN13: 9781792457784

Author: George G Fenich

Binding: paperback

Published Date: January 19, 2021

Package Weight: 1302.00g

Package Dimension: 204 x 44 x 258cm

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