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The Radical Reformation (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

The Radical Reformation (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

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This book is a collection of writings by early Reformation radicals that illustrates both the diversity and the areas of agreement in their political thinking. The texts are drawn from the period 1521-1527 centering on the German Peasants War of 1524-1526. The thinkers represented--Muntzer Karlstadt Grebel Hut Denck and others--differed on important theological issues yet all rejected the magisterial Reformation as serving the interests of societys elites. They advocated a strategy of Reformation from below a sweeping transformation of society to the benefit of the lay commoner and the local community. With the start of the Peasants War radicals divided over the issue of the legitimacy of force. This division shaped the ways in which they confronted the failure of the Peasants War and the new strategies for survival developed in its aftermath. Appended to the texts are a number of political programs of the Peasants War. These documents illustrate ways in which the radicals contributed to the uprising and how the war itself led to greater clarity in the political theory of the radical Reformation.

Product Details

ISBN10: 0521379482

ISBN13: 9780521379489

Author: Baylor, Michael G.

Binding: Paperback

Published Date: November 29, 1991

Package Weight: 386.00g

Package Dimension: 216 x 20 x 140cm

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