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The Return to Narnia: The Rescue of Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia)

The Return to Narnia: The Rescue of Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia)

Regular price $66.04 USD
Regular price Sale price $66.04 USD
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Join Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy in their first adventure back in Narnia since The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Nothing exciting has happened in the year since theyve returned to England. But while the four children are waiting for a train to take them to boarding school they feel tugged . . . and pulled . . . and suddenly they are yanked back to Narnia! The Great Lion Aslan has a new adventure in store for themthey must help Prince Caspian fight for his throne and make Narnia safe and free. In this adaptation of Prince Caspian perfect for Narnias youngest fans Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy meet new friends as they struggle to save Narnia once again.

Product Details

ISBN10: 0061131105

ISBN13: 9780061131103

Author: C. S. Lewis

Binding: Hardcover

Published Date: September 26, 2006

Package Weight: 454.00g

Package Dimension: 254 x 6 x 254cm

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