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The River Cottage Meat Book

The River Cottage Meat Book

Regular price $61.39 USD
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"This book aims to help you find good meat understand it better cook it with greater confidence and eat it with much pleasure. "It first of all covers the basics - everything youll need to know about choosing the very best raw materials understanding the different cuts and the cooking techniques associated with each of them. Ive then given what I hope are foolproof recipes for 150 meat classics from both British and foreign food cultures - shepherds pie steak and kidney pie roast pork with perfect crackling glazed baked ham Irish stew roast grouse with all the trimmings toad in the hole oxtail stew; plus definitive authentic versions of pot au feu cassoulet choucroute steak tartare coq au vin bolito misto pasticcio jerked pork feijoida cozido curried goat satay and chilli con carne. "I would like this book to be your first stop on the shelf whether you seek either inspired recipes or technical guidance on any aspect of meat cookery" - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Product Details

ISBN10: 0340826355

ISBN13: 9780340826355

Author: Hugh Fearnley-Whitti

Binding: Hardcover

Published Date: January 01, 2004

Package Weight: 2126.00g

Package Dimension: 270 x 38 x 198cm

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