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The Storyteller's Companion to the Bible: Parables of Jesus: 11

The Storyteller's Companion to the Bible: Parables of Jesus: 11

Regular price $238.81 USD
Regular price Sale price $238.81 USD
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Jesus was a master storyteller and his chosen form of story was the parable. Like rabbis of his day and since if you asked him a question what you were likely to get in response was a story. As a storyteller he must have been a charismatic speaker weaving images that gave people new insights into pressing concerns of their day. After Jesus death his followers preserved many of his stories and passed them down. But when they did so they saw new meanings in them. Jesus they felt spoke not only to people and concerns of his own day but also to new generations and situations. The parables of Jesus were not seen as historical artifacts but as lively words of wisdom appropriate for any generation. Today we still learn from the parables of Jesus. They still speak with a freshness and power that give us new insights into pressing concerns of our own day. This volume delves into the parables of the master storyteller and learn ways in which we can retell those sto

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