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Think Critically (3rd Edition)

Think Critically (3rd Edition)

Regular price $346.02 USD
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For courses in Critical Thinking Think currency. Think relevancy. Think Critically. Think Critically 2016 presents critical thinking as the optimal approach for solving real-world problems and making important decisions boosting the relevance of course material to students lives. Authors Peter Facione and Carol Ann Gittens employ a simple practical approach to deliver the core concepts of critical thinking in a way that students can easily understand. Incorporating contemporary material from a wide range of real-life situations Think Criticallys engaging examples and exercises hammer home positive critical thinking habits of mind that students can use in the classroom and beyond. Think Critically 2016 is also available via REVEL an immersive learning experience designed for the way todays students read think and learn.

Product Details

ISBN10: 0133909662

ISBN13: 9780133909661

Author: Facione, Peter

Binding: Paperback

Published Date: February 05, 2015

Package Weight: 816.00g

Package Dimension: 272 x 18 x 213cm

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