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Timber construction manual;: A manual for architects, engineers, contractors, laminators, and fabricators concerned with engineered timber buildings and other structures

Timber construction manual;: A manual for architects, engineers, contractors, laminators, and fabricators concerned with engineered timber buildings and other structures

Regular price $65.70 USD
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Since its first publication in 1966 Timber Construction Manual has become the definitive design and construction industry source for building with wood both sawn lumber and structural glued laminated timber. Timber Construction Manual Fifth Edition features an improved organization of content to provide architects engineers contractors educators the laminating and fabricating industry and all others having a need for reliable up-to-date technical data and recommendations on engineered timber construction with essential knowledge of wood and its application to specific design considerations. Based on the most reliable technical data available this defining guide has been thoroughly revised to The latest design procedures for timber construction featuring thorough updates of all recommended design criteria for timber members systems and fasteners A simplified design procedure for pitched and tapered curved beams An entirely new chapter on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and an updated section on the chemical properties of wood The latest design and construction codes including the 2001 National Design Specification for Wood from the National Forest Products Association AITC 117-2004 and examples featuring ASCE 7-02 and IBC 2003 More cross-referencing to other available AITC standards and less superfluous full citations result in a leaner book with more useful up-to-date information

Product Details

ISBN10: 0471025496

ISBN13: 9780471025498

Author: American Insitute of Timber Construction

Binding: hardcover

Published Date: January 01, 1974

Package Weight: 1179.00g

Package Dimension: 1 x 1 x 1cm

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