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Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon Where It Originates And How It Stops

Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon Where It Originates And How It Stops

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They usually come at night. They may take one person a couple or an entire family. They have no racial or social preference; they have abducted people from all walks of life to mysterious bright rooms where they conduct unusual procedures. The phenomenon has come to be called Alien Abduction in pop-culture where entities claiming to be from distant star systems whisk people away into bizarre and unwanted test beds. Now for the first time it is revealed through analytical duplication what for the past two decades a team known as the CE4 Research Group has discovered using guidelines for redundancy similar to methods employed by scientists and investigators to illustrate repeatability and thus cause-and-effect. Having documented more than 300 actual test cases experiencers (as they are called in abduction communities) have witnessed their abuse permanently stopped due to this research. In essence they have been cured of an unknown malady through what most in the public will find to be shocking disturbing or a confirmation of faith the power of Jesus name. Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon Where It Originates And How It Stops is without precedent. This first ever systematic approach provides compelling evidence through repeat verification that a connection between so-called alien-abduction the supernatural and deliverance through Jesus Christ as savior exists.

Product Details

ISBN10: 0984061142

ISBN13: 9780984061143

Author: David Ruffino

Binding: Paperback

Published Date: January 01, 2010

Package Weight: 567.00g

Package Dimension: 33 x 140 x 213cm

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