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Waiting for Nick / Considering Kate (Stanislaski, Books 5 & 6) (The Stanislaskis)

Waiting for Nick / Considering Kate (Stanislaski, Books 5 & 6) (The Stanislaskis)

Regular price $68.86 USD
Regular price Sale price $68.86 USD
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Waiting for Nick Frederica Kimball had been waiting all her life…waiting to grow up…waiting forever for the day when Nicholas LeBeck would fall as desperately in love with her as she had always been with him. Nick didnt know what had hit him. Sweet adorable Freddie whom hed always loved like a kid sister was suddenly all woman. And his feelings for her were anything but brotherly! Considering Kate Kate Stanislaski Kimball had turned her back on glamour and fame and shed come home to begin a new life. The only thing more perfect than the beautifuldilapidatedbuilding shed bought for her new dance school was Brody OConnell the frustrating and surprisingly fascinating contractor shed hired for the renovation. But Brody was determined to resist Kates effortless allure. She was Natasha Stanislaskis pampered perfect daughter after all. Still every fiber of his being longed to make her his.…

Product Details

ISBN10: 037328568X

ISBN13: 9780373285686

Author: Roberts, Nora

Binding: Mass Market Paperback

Published Date: May 27, 2008

Package Weight: 200.00g

Package Dimension: 168 x 29 x 107cm

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