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Wales: An Illustrated History (Hippocrene Illustrated Histories)

Wales: An Illustrated History (Hippocrene Illustrated Histories)

Regular price $65.53 USD
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Thousands of people visit Wales each year and countless people all over the world are descendants at least in part from this small beautiful part of the British Isles. Yet how many know the history that has made Wales and the Welsh people what they are today? Here is a clear objective treatment by an American professor of history who has been keenly interested in Wales for many years. The book traces the key forces and developments through all the centuries of the countrys history. Although Welsh history is complex and the strong nationalism it has generated among some Welsh people causes controversy this book presents a balanced unbiased account. Also includes history on the diverse nature of contemporary Wales.

Product Details

ISBN10: 0781809363

ISBN13: 9780781809368

Author: Weisser, Henry

Binding: Paperback

Published Date: March 10, 2003

Package Weight: 293.00g

Package Dimension: 178 x 19 x 127cm

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