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Warfare in the Medieval World

Warfare in the Medieval World

Regular price $248.78 USD
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Warfare in the Medieval World explores how civilizations and cultures made war on the battlefields of the Near East and Europe in the period between the fall of Rome and the introduction of reliable gunpowder weapons during the Thirty Years War. Through an exploration of thirty-three selected battles military historian Brian Todd Carey surveys the changing tactical relationships between the four weapon systems-heavy and light infantry and heavy and light cavalry - focusing on the evolution of shock and missile combat. This is the second part of an ambitious two-volume study of the subject. The first volume Warfare in the Ancient World examined the evolution of warfare from the Bronze Age to the highly organized armies of the Greeks and the Romans.

Product Details

ISBN10: 1844153398

ISBN13: 9781844153398

Author: Brian Todd Carey

Binding: hardcover

Published Date: June 19, 2006

Package Weight: 658.00g

Package Dimension: 241 x 32 x 165cm

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