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We the People (Volume 3)

We the People (Volume 3)

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The Civil Rights Revolution carries Bruce Ackermans sweeping reinterpretation of constitutional history into the era beginning with Brown v. Board of Education. From Rosa Parkss courageous defiance to Martin Luther Kings resounding cadences in "I Have a Dream " to Lyndon Johnsons leadership of Congress to the Supreme Courts decisions redefining the meaning of equality the movement to end racial discrimination decisively changed our understanding of the Constitution. Ackerman anchors his discussion in the landmark statutes of the 1960s: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Challenging conventional legal analysis and arguing instead that constitutional politics won the day he describes the complex interactions among branches of government--and also between government and the ordinary people who participated in the struggle. He showcases leaders such as Everett Dirksen Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon who insisted on real change not just formal equality for blacks and other minorities. The civil rights revolution transformed the Constitution but not through judicial activism or Article V amendments. The breakthrough was the passage of laws that ended the institutionalized humiliations of Jim Crow and ensured equal rights at work in schools and in the voting booth. This legislation gained congressional approval only because of the mobilized support of the American people--and their principles deserve a central place in the nations history. Ackermans arguments are especially important at a time when the Roberts Court is actively undermining major achievements of Americas Second Reconstruction.

Product Details

ISBN10: 0674050290

ISBN13: 9780674050297

Author: Ackerman, Bruce

Binding: Hardcover

Published Date: March 03, 2014

Package Weight: 735.00g

Package Dimension: 235 x 32 x 165cm

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