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The Little Green Book of Absinthe: An Essential Companion with Lore, Trivia, and Classic and Contemporary Cocktails

The Little Green Book of Absinthe: An Essential Companion with Lore, Trivia, and Classic and Contemporary Cocktails

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Read Paul Owens and Paul Nathans posts on the Penguin Blog A celebration of "the green goddess"-this is the first book to share absinthe recipes since it was recently legalized in the U.S. This enticing little volume presents a collection of more than 100 absinthe cocktail recipes that draw upon the classic roots of the drink as well as its new iterations. Readers will be entertained with nuggets of absinthe history and trivia including the tradition of the green fairy famous devotees of the drink and the myths (or facts) of its hallucinatory properties. Readers will learn that: Americas most famous early cocktail the sazerac was a New Orleans creation that called for a dash of absinthe When the absinthe backlash started in the 1890s Edgar Degas masterpiece LAbsinthe was booed off the auction block at Christies in London An experienced absintheur can identify a brand from across the room just by watching how it louches-the way the herbs oils cloud the drink as the bartender adds water

Product Details

ISBN10: 0399535632

ISBN13: 9780399535635

Author: Owens, Paul

Binding: Hardcover

Published Date: February 02, 2010

Package Weight: 281.00g

Package Dimension: 218 x 23 x 146cm

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